Photo Gallery of Paintings          © T.C.Wratten,2023

3 6"x6" tiles - Personal Creative Development in Painting 3.   A maritime dimension - A practical project to create 3 tiles making use of shapes related to my main painting project - A maritime dimension & cubism. Plywood wave shapes on 1/2" blockboard, covered by a sheet of perspex.

Below left: Port Erroll harbour.  Right: A semi-abstract painting of part of a steam engine  I painted for my young 3rd cousin, Charlie, who has a fascination for steam engines.

Next photo on the left is of my first lanscape. On the right: 'Nala' waiting patiently & lower left: my early attempt with roses.  Lower right: two semi-abstract paintings of steam engines. Port Erroll & 'Nala' painted with water mixable oils & my first oil painting was painted with traditional oils. The others were painted with acrylics.